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mpg123 hickups

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 9:53 am
by deppix
First of all: I absolutely love what you're doing and really appreciate the service provided by this site.
Now, for my problem:
I've been using mpg123 (version pre0.59s) for some days now and after initial problems I actually got it to work ;-) However, what really bugs me, are the playback hickups I get all the time (working on a B&W G3, 448MB RAM). I can see that it can't compete with the soundoutput of iTunes or the like (which eat up about 20% of my processor cycles) but isn't there a possibility to increase its 'stability (ie less hickups). I've tried increasing process priority (using nice/renice) and increasing its buffer size (mpg123 -b). However, nothing seemed to help a lot.
If anyone has suggestions etc. I'd be very interested.



Re: mpg123 hickups

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 1:22 am
by apex
Try using the release version: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> .

This one doesnt use esound, and its not beta =]

Re: mpg123 hickups

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 2:19 pm
by hypoflux
the version of mpg123 you were using relies on esd - which, when I run Xfree rootless, and xmms hiccups on me also. esd is still a rather buggy port. use the other port of mpg123, it works fabU.


Re: mpg123 hickups

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2001 12:48 pm
by deppix
W00t! Much better now. Thanx a lot!
BTW, heres my top | grep mpg123:

1480 mpg123 9.7% 0:24.85 3 69 34 1.81M 444K 2.23M 4.41M

What a joy; iTunes typically runs on ~20% CPU load. I'm on a B&W G3 so I can use every little bit of processing power :-)



[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: deppix ]