PHP / OS X 10.2 / Apache -- "_dlclose" problems

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PHP / OS X 10.2 / Apache -- "_dlclose" problems

Postby Devin » Sun Oct 26, 2003 12:16 am

I have installed latest Apace, Perl, perl_mod, PHP, MySQL to my G5 box running 10.2. Perl, perl_mod and perl - to - MySql webpage development are all working great. When i try and load a PHP page (which works on my production Linux server), however, no go. The Apache error_log gives:

dyld: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd multiple definitions of symbol _dlclose
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd definition of _dlclose
/usr/local/lib/libdl.dylib(dlopen.o) definition of _dlclose

I had previously built Apache without the perl_mod but with the PHP set up to load dynamically, and the PHP pages did work. Do I have to do seperate builds or can this be resolved? I've never messed around with compiling material before -- just following web sites to do this and learning as I go...

-- devin
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