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Postby jerome » Mon Oct 22, 2001 6:32 am

here's a tough one, Licq, <A HREF="," TARGET=_blank>,</A> problem with it is some dlopen() issues i think, the GUI is plugin based, but first problem would be the core.

I was thinking if i could get this core up, I could dabble in the idea of writing a Cocoa GUI plugin for licq if at all possible [img]images/icons/smile.gif"%20border="0[/img] -jerome
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Re: licq

Postby apex » Mon Oct 22, 2001 8:30 am

I remember messing with licq some time ago and I didn't get anywhere. If you work on it, post how far you get. I have sooo many worthwhile ports on my list I'd rather not work on licq (Especially when there is gaim with ICQ support (I use gaim for AIM prrotocol))

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Re: licq

Postby jerome » Mon Oct 22, 2001 4:41 pm

well I could *try* and get somewhere if i could get past configure. i now have 2 packages that do a check for dlopen() on configure, there's dlcompat installed but not sure they're seeing that during configure, no clue how to get around it. heh
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Re: licq

Postby jerome » Tue Oct 23, 2001 10:37 pm

hmm, spoke too soon, it appears AOL has changed ICQ, servers, icq1,2, etc. are gone. now, BUT you can't chnage that in gaim, protocol seems diff anyway, crashes [img]images/icons/frown.gif"%20border="0[/img]
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Re: licq

Postby sebek » Fri Feb 15, 2002 2:02 pm

hmm i think i made the core application compile with some minor code changes some time ago... the massive problems came when when i tried to compile the gui-plugins. the default interface is based on qt but even the gtk+ gui refrained from compiling.
licq itself needed some minor modifications with the configure - script, src/support.c and src/support.h

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Re: licq

Postby sebek » Fri Feb 15, 2002 5:49 pm

made 1.0.3 compile again
console and other standard plugins do not work. but gtk+licq compiles with minor fixes...
the only problem: it is not recognized by licq...
if anyone is still interested...

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Re: licq

Postby samad_lotia » Wed Feb 20, 2002 6:33 pm

It's quite possible to make one's own dlopen() and stuff. Loading dynamic objects isn't too tough using Linux (or is it POSIX?). Therefore, it can't be too hard to make a dlopen() that makes Carbon calls. Take a look at this:

assume const char *path
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL,path,kCFURLPOSIXPathStype,TRUE);
CFPlugInRef plugin = CFPlugInCreate(NULL,url);

CFPlugInCreate() is basically the same as dlopen(). Shouldn't be too hard to patch it. I think patching the plugins itself would be more of a task.
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