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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2002 4:53 pm
by Riastradh
I installed xemacs from this site -- and I would like to mention that the file wasn't very helpful* -- and now I can only run it as root, yet it still doesn't recognise even HTML files. Is there a way to fix this, or would I have to compile it from the sources?

* - I had to do the following to install it:
localhost% su
root# cp xemacs-21.1.12.tar.gz /
root# cd /
root# tar -zxvf xemacs-21.1.12.tar.gz
root# chown <my user name> /usr/local/lib/xemacs-21.1.12/*
root# chown <my user name> /usr/local/bin/xemacs

And that was just to get xemacs to _RUN_; -- it thinks .html files are 'Fundamental', which xemacs on other systems knows are HTML files.