I'm assuming that you have done the following:
#Downloaded the BIND-9.2.3 sources
tar xvfz bind-9.2.3.tar.gz
cd bind-9.2.3
# read the "README" file
Once you have completed this you should have all of the BIND executables that you can install on your system by running "make install".
By default, the "named" executable will be in "/usr/local/sbin/named", There may already be a "/usr/sbin/named", so you should make sure that you specify the full path name for the daemon that you want to run. Other utilities, such as "dig", will be found in "/usr/local/bin". MacOS X also provides their own "dig" command, so again, watch what version of the utility is actually executed.
Now, you are saying that you are getting a "syntax error in line 1". Exactly what is being reported? We aren't so good as to know what your system is telling you without a little bit of explaination.
What errors are you receiving when "that it needs two certain files each time i ./configure". Did you install the complete Apple Developers Tools? Nothing outside of the system files and the BIND sources are needed to compile BIND, so this really isn't making sense - unless you didn't actually run the "./configure" script.
You say "getting to /etc then typing ./configure", but you shouldn't be in /etc when you run the ./configure script. You need to be in the top level directory of the BIND sources to run this script. And, if you were in /etc when you did this, you should have received a "no such file or directory" message.
Two things to consider,
1. If you are serious about running your own DNS operations, you need to get a copy of "DNS & BIND" by Cricket Liu. Check Amazon.com for ordering information. This is the BIBLE for anyone that is trying to manage their own DNS services.
2. There is an excellent forum for discussing BIND/DNS problems. This is the "bind-users@isc.org" and "bind9-users@isc.org" mailing lists. These lists are read by the top people in the world dealing with DNS and BIND, including the authors of the BIND software. You can't get any better help - they are also friendly. Check at
http://www.isc.org/products/BIND for how to subscribe to these lists.