a couple of security tools

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a couple of security tools

Postby infaux » Sat Oct 13, 2001 11:11 pm

i used to use linuxppc but never got it working with my ppp connection before I moved over to X and bsd, so the following tools are things that I've wanted to become familiar with for a while but never had the opportunity to....would love to see ports for these from here(have been looking around and found that the ports from here are the easiest to install and the most reliable as far as working the first time without changes(good work all around!)

nessus(I seem to remember playing with this on beta but couldn't get it to work because it was using html display mode and I couldn't figure out the right syntax to let the config file launch IE from terminal...www.nessus.orgl)
netcat(sorry I can't find where this is maintained at..I think the last place was l0pht but once they merged with @stake I don't know where it went)
snort (www.snort.org)

but the thing that I want most in the world right now is something for mac that works the same as netstumbler for PC....this means that first a *nix tool eqiv to the windows netstumbler must be found and then it must be ported....I haven't had much luck but THC-WarDrive looks promising even tho it says linux, but unfortunately they don't have source on their site so I'm contacting them to try and get it....but if anyone else know something for BSD that logs any 802.11 that have been detected please post it...

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Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2001 7:00 pm

Re: a couple of security tools

Postby apex » Sun Oct 14, 2001 7:14 am

Originally posted by infaux:
i used to use linuxppc but never got it working with my ppp connection before I moved over to X and bsd, so the following tools are things that I've wanted to become familiar with for a while but never had the opportunity to....would love to see ports for these from here(have been looking around and found that the ports from here are the easiest to install and the most reliable as far as working the first time without changes(good work all around!)

Great to hear that! [img]images/icons/grin.gif"%20border="0[/img]

nessus(I seem to remember playing with this on beta but couldn't get it to work because it was using html display mode and I couldn't figure out the right syntax to let the config file launch IE from terminal...www.nessus.orgl)

Yep, I've worked a bit on Nessus but was unable to complete it, perhaps in the future I'll be more savvy.

netcat(sorry I can't find where this is maintained at..I think the last place was l0pht but once they merged with @stake I don't know where it went)

<A HREF="http://macosx.forked.net/ports/netcat-1.10.pkg.tgz" TARGET=_blank>http://macosx.forked.net/ports/netcat-1.10.pkg.tgz</A> Very useful tool there. [img]images/icons/smile.gif"%20border="0[/img]

I will put these three in my todo list, though I feel SAINT will give me problems considering what i know about it.

but the thing that I want most in the world right now is something for mac that works the same as netstumbler for PC....this means that first a *nix tool eqiv to the windows netstumbler must be found and then it must be ported....I haven't had much luck but THC-WarDrive looks promising even tho it says linux, but unfortunately they don't have source on their site so I'm contacting them to try and get it....but if anyone else know something for BSD that logs any 802.11 that have been detected please post it...

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

[ October 14, 2001: Message edited by: apex ]
Posts: 355
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2001 7:00 pm

Re: a couple of security tools

Postby <Toolzilla> » Mon Mar 31, 2003 7:49 pm

Great tool site at: www.tools-drills-saws.com

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